
Heart Of Worship

I am coming back to worship! Worship- slow christian music? fast gospel record? Worship? Who leads it..Who surrenders? Worship-The arts? Worship? Something that the pastor tells us to do? Worship- a place to go on sunday? Worship is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. My worship life has been non existent. I haven't felt like going to church. I have felt like God is nowhere in my life. But just like any relationship with people, worship is WORK! Not on someone else's part but mine!

I am a christian. Not just a word to say to be in the IN " Christian" Crowd. I am a follower of CHRIST. I now understand the battle of being a christian. For 26 years of my life everything was going great. Then all of something in the summer of my 26th year after coming out of a semi depression, my life turns. I have a  meltdown like MC and I still can't explain it. Doctors wanted to label me as bi-polar but the christian in me just knew this has to be an attack on my life. An attack for being sooo in love with Jesus Christ. So now as I embark on this 27th year of my life I rededicate my life to Christ! I say YES! Yes to my SAVIOR who protected me when I didn't understand it. I say YES! I can honestly say at this moment that I am telling DEPRESSION NO! You are NOT the boss of me! So what! I loss a job, so what! I live with my parents, so what! I understand and fully realize the issues going on in this world. The fact that I have life is a miracle! I must not squander the breath that HE has given me. I am FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY MADE! IF GOD BE FOR ME WHO DARE BE AGAINST ME!

So I pause, reflect and ponder on what can happen when I step back and understand how BIG my GOD is without me trying to do the heavy lifting. Life is not one size fits all. But I am glad that my God knows exactly what size fits me. A life of worship. To you that can mean anything. To me its a true personal REALationship with my SAVIOR. No one can SAVE me like HE can! Feliz Cumpleanos para mi y mucho mas dias a ventir (hopefully this says-Happy Bday To ME and many more to come!