
Am I too Peculiar?

I sought You and You were there. 
I threw myself at your people and did they really care?
Lord forgive them for their super spiritual discernment radar must have been off
Or am I just too peculiar?
Could they not reflect the Christian fellowship that they seek to do to please you oh how I pray their human nature just got in the way 
Leaving me hanging like Judas
Yes, there's a Judas inside us all
So let me not be the one to cast stones
For He is faithful when His body is faithless
Yet the shepherd's will have to give an account to the Father
How did you let this one go? How did they let My sheep get lost in the crowd?
Or am I just too peculiar?
All I want to do is please the Father, looking up to leaders 
Yet caught up in wisdom calling their words perfect and even Bible
Only He can redeem me through the Word that He left me
So if I am just a little too peculiar, He will be there
Chasing after me when His disciples drop the ball
When opinions, criticisms look like Doctrine
His Spirit will step in and eradicate the foolishness of the over zealous believer
So maybe I am just too peculiar 
Maybe I am called to reach the lost different then you
I just want to be found reflecting Him
Not missing the mark to seek the lost 
So peculiar people, those lost in the crowd
He will always come looking for you
No need to look like a star because he will shine on you 
Allowing the Holy Spirit spotlight to saturate your soul
For He is looking for a people willing to do more, not just the bear minimum
When the world doesn't care, when the believer walks away
Just know He will always embrace the Peculiar person.