
Monthly "Image Check" From the Desk of Mirrored Images

Happy New Year!!

As you start your 2014 continue to keep your mind stayed on JESUS!! Renew your mind daily according to Romans 12:1-2, acknowledging that we are all reflections of Him. Go out into the world to motivate, inspire and declare blessings over those that you have the ability to reach! God has given us all the power of influence. It it your choice on how you want to use it. I choose to use it to bring glory to Him. I hope and pray that this is a year that you go higher in the things of God.

If you are not a believer and are seeking truth, my desire is that you continue to use your curiosity to bring you into the full knowledge of what life is like as a believer. I pray that that the religious mindset of the church does not distract you from having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

For those of you that are believers and feel like God has left you in a dry place like Job or Joseph; I promise you that He will restore and revive the dreams that He has given you. It may take a process and you may think the timing is off but God is never late or never early. He is an on time God who knows the plans and purpose for your life.

So once again have a very Happy, Happy, Happy New Year! I declare that God knows the Plans for you, Plans to Prosper you Not Harm you to give you a Great Future!! Just continue to Seek Him and all things will work for your good! (Jeremiah 29:11-13, Romans 8:28-31)

God Bless You,

Tashika "Tash" Smith
Creative Visionary of Mirrored Images, Inc
"Reflecting His Image Into The World"-Gen. 1:27