
April's Image Check!

They say "April Showers bring May Flowers"! So I bring encouragement to you all that if you're in a season where the storms of life may be pouring down in your life just know that your loving Savior is raining down blessings, grace and mercy to allow your light to grow towards the purpose that He has prepared for you. We must continue to understand that All things are truly working for our good as in states in Romans 8:28! 

Even when opposition comes in your life to stop you from operating in your purpose, continue to Trust in Him! Acknowledging that if God is for you that No one can be Against you. Even those close to you!(Romans8:31) When we put our trust in God and allow Him to direct our paths we start to stress out less knowing that His ways are much better than anything that we could think of or imagine.

So in this continued spring season as we remember the sacrifice and resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ focus on how anything broken or dead in your life can and will be restored by the power of the blood that was shed on the cross for all of us! So when you're out celebrating "Easter", remember you are truly honoring a man that came to teach, preach, die and save us from ourselves. So take this season to grab ahold of the gospels in the New Testament(Matthew,Luke,Mark and John)to remind you of the Good News that we give reverence to on April 20th! 

Happy Resurrection Day! 

-From The Desk of Mirrored Images