
May/June Image Check

As spring rolls by and summer awaits us I have been focusing on all that I have seen and heard these couple of months. Many people are hurting or experiencing new seasons that either have them waiting, overjoyed or overwhelmed. 

Yet in all seasons we face God is still God. He never changes and will always remain the same! Even in the moments where we can't understand it all, He is ever present in our situations. Teaching us how to draw near to Him and discovering who He truly created us to be in the first place. So as you think about where you are now or where you're going reflect back with me to 2010. At 25 I put my full Trust (Confidence, Assurance) in my relationship with God and I must remind myself of who that Woman was and how she discovered who she was in Christ by  walking with him daily among not so perfect circumstances. 

For we all go through but sometimes we have to remember to Encourage Ourselves In The Lord!

Continue to Reflect Him in the Earth,

Mirrored Images

New Beginnings-Aug.2010
They say its never to late to start over! We wake up one day in the life and we are born! We are born into this world not knowing who we are, what we what or who we will become. Then we get connected! We either get connected with people, thoughts or behaviors that were never meant to stay with us! So it up to up to wake up daily, with a new sense of self! If you gotta encourage yourself daily into your destiny DO IT! The devil wakes up up daily to, ready, alert to capture your dreams and your sense of identity. But if you truly know who you are and who GOD made you to be then you have signed up for battle. You know the truth and can handle all the silly little darts that the devil will try to hit you with. Just keep going, when you get down GET UP! There's no failure when you keep moving forward. Don't look at the GIANTS, don't analyze how tall, big or wide them seem to be. Just keep walking towards your destiny and know HE's faithful! So continue to encourage yourself and stay connected to the ONE who created you to be a UNIQUE ORIGINAL!


So what happens when you step out of the box? You look around and notice that the box was boring. Boring!! What!! You're not boring! So why stay in this lame, dull box! So you jump out onto an empty canvas and design your own unique structure. Maybe its a redesign of a box, or something completely different. Who KNOWS!! You get to decide. It was always in you, NOW you're just finally out of excuses to actually complete the calling that you were born for!!

So GO!! Get Going, Create, Change, Move FORWARD!! People are waiting on your UNIQUE Designs that only YOU know how to MAKE!!