
March's Image Check

Yeah it's March! Springtime is around the corner! This month is filled with lots of birthdays including mine. As I look forward to my 29th year on this earth, I thank God for getting me through some of the worst years of my life. As I reflect on them I see how God was present in them and how He will always be there. I don't think we really see His fingerprints on our life until we need or want something. But we must remember He is God. He is the beginning and the ending,  He was first on the scene before we were born so we must never feel forsaken.

Thoughout my short life experiences I have felt like Job, questioning God but at the end of the day having Him answer back saying "I AM GOD! Who are you?". Or seeking Him with all that I have like David, wondering where are you, why have you forsaken me and standing in full repentence for Him to search my heart so there is no offense in me. (Pslams 37,51, 139) I constantly try not to lament like Jeremiah standing on His promise that He knows the plans that He has for me, plans to prosper and not harm me to give me a Hope of a Future! (Jeremiah 29:11)

It is this Hope that I have to constantly take the thoughts that try to hold me captive to continue to motivate, inspire and push my generation higher. For we are not here to please ourselves but to do the work that He has called us to do for His glory not ours. When we trust Him with our plans, all things will eventually work out for our good. Which is His promise to us in Romans 8:28.

So as the we move into a new season, remember your current season will eventually change. So listen to His voice so you can grow like the spring time season reminds us to. For we are always changing and growing no matter how old we become. 

Happy Happy March,

Tashika Denea ' Smith
Visionary of Mirrored Images

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