
Chosen For a Purpose!

According to Webster's dictionary the word Chosen means one who is the object of choice or of divine favor: an elect person. The word Called means to make a demand on. According to Matthew 22:14 AMP "Many are Called (invited and summoned), but few are Chosen." Therefore the Word of God is clear to point out the differences between the two words for a reason. For God clearly placed us on earth just like He did Adam and Eve for a purpose, for His purpose- to be obedient and worship Him.

In Matthew 9:37 NIV Jesus says " The Harvest is plentiful but the Workers are Few." Once again we see in scripture that there is a need for ministry yet not too many people seem Chosen to do the work that God has prepared and Called us all to do. Yet when you look further down in the story in Matthew 10, you see that Jesus sent the twelve Chosen ones to reach the world. Like Adam and Eve we all have the ability to meet the needs of others in the way that God intended yet the few elect were Chosen to serve His people so that they understand the true Calling on their lives. For this purpose Romans 12 was written to inform us that we must present our bodies as LIVING SACRIFICES, HOLY and PLEASING TO GOD, for this is our SPIRITUAL ACT OF WORSHIP or REASONABLE SERVICE! That we may no longer be Conformed to this World but Transformed by the Renewing of our MINDS daily!
(Romans 12:1-2 NIV)

As God confirms my passion, zeal and purpose for Him I acknowledge that I am not just Called but Chosen to encourage you. To help transform your life based on my experiences with Him! I do not think more highly than myself but I submit to Him according to my faith that He has given me. (Romans 12: 3,6-8) Therefore I realize that all that I have experienced in my life was for Purpose. I receive and submit to His Plan and Promises for my life. Understanding that without constant Prayer that I cannot walk in Power to heal and serve those that He has chosen me to reach.

Get Ready!Get Ready!Get Ready! God is restoring dreams, purpose and plans for those that submit to His will! God can do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ever ask or imagine for our lives!
 (Ephesians 3:20 NIV)

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"Reflecting His Image Into The World"-Gen.1: 27

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