
A Image Redefined

It's been a long time since a word has gone forth from the desk of Mirrored Images. With only four months left in 2014, it's time to revaluated and reflect about how far He has brought us all this year. What were your hopes of last year or even last month? Who have you become or have you lost focus and forgot the One who can only all those hopes and dreams to give you access into the purpose and plans He has for your life. When it comes to my own life, if you've followed closely or read between the lines I have been through a variety of different circumstances in the past 3 years and if I look closely more like 7 years. 

The number 7 represents completion, followed by 8 that signifies new beginnings. I am on the horizon of walking into my new beginnings. With the help of the Holy Spirit I have truly been made new. Some people who have seen me or invested in me these past couple of years have truly noticed the changes that my Heavenly Father has downloaded in my Spirit. No longer do I feel defeated by life's challenges. No longer do I take what I have been through and listen to the lies of Satan saying I'm a faliure. No! I'm an Overcomer! I'm a Mighty Woman of God who was and is destined to create havoc to the plans of the enemy in the earth. If I wasn't such a threat to the kingdom of darkness, my life would represent a normal plan. But I wasn't created to be "normal"! I'm apart of a royal priesthood, set apart for such a time as this! 

So as you can tell I got my Fire back for the things of God and it's up to me to ensure it never grows cold! I never want to doubt how Awesome my Daddy is again! He made me new and renewed my Minds. This can happen for you too! Just open your heart and let go of all the thoughts about what Christianity is and join an great relationship with Jesus Christ or restore the one you walked away from.

In Him who lives in me and gives me the grace to do what I do,


~Reflect Him In The Earth~
  Romans 12

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