
Image Check- Fall Edition

This fall season, I am reminded of "The Fall" of Man. I say that as the leaves are falling and the fallen world is looking forward to celebrating Hallows Eve aka Halloween. Growing up I too participated in the yearly ritual of finding the perfect coustume just to go house to house to gain candy from strangers. When I think about this routine that kids put themselves through it sounds ridiculous.Then we adults find the one day it seems appropriate to the world to dress up in a fantasy world and become "sexy" fill in the blank when it comes to female costumes or horror glorifying characters just to scare the crap out of people. When I think of this so called holiday, I have come to realize that people ignore the spiritual elements that are associated with this October 31st day. Some people embrace it and make it a day of satanic worship, which if you truly analyze it that's what you're doing if you're participating it. 
I'm all for the Harvest Festivals that churches put on so that children can be in a safe environment to gain access to candy to the alternative ritual. Yet even with that we must continue to guard our hearts to what we allow in our worlds if we are to be truly set apart. When we create events to allow the world to become redeemed and reconciled back to Christ we must have a sober judgement of how we are walking out our faith so that we are still uniquely different.
~Mirrored Images

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