
Living a Thanksgiving Lifestyle

Mirrored Images wishes you a very Happy Thanksgiving!! In doing so we take this opportunity to explore another season of gratitude. Some wait until November to start analyzing how thankful they are, or where to serve more as this month kicks of the Holiday season. Yet I challenge you to really think about how you can create a Thanksgiving Lifestyle throughout the 365 days we have each year.

What causes us to stop being grateful or appreciate what we have instead of what we want. We make look forward towards the Black Friday sales to buy more stuff that we will not know where it is in a month. Knowing that the people that we are stressing over, really don't need more stuff at all. Then we make think about giving back at local organizations that will help people who lack the stuff that you want. Yet in reality, I have come to notice that these people that we called the "less fortunate" have something to offer those of us with all the "stuff". It's called contentment.

In the struggle of not having anything or going without. Those individuals that are seeking to find a way to just "make it", find a way in the quiet of their hearts to have a grateful heart. I have seen this throughout the year. Yet in the "world", we get caught up on thinking we have to have soo much stuff to be considered important or on "top". But in the simplicity of contentment we gain soo much more. We gain peace and gratitude, knowing that are needs are met. With the possiblity of giving back.

For its not a problem to have things, its when the "stuff" has us. When the so called "needs" become "greeds" and we fail to acknowledge those that would give anything to have what we "need". So as you prepare for the turkey, stuffing, pies and sales. Remember where you could have been or where other people are! For this holiday has nothing to do with stuffing our faces with food but the ability to serve one another out the the gratitude of our hearts.

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