
Entertaining The Devil-How Entertainment Rules US!

If you're called to entertain, shouldn't it give life rather than take it? Are we doing stuff like Martha? Or are we being like Mary? Are we making a difference as Christians in the entertainment industry? Or are we just a reflection of Satan hidden behind religious clothing? Is the church content with the state of "impact" that is coming from so called Hollywood Saints? It seems to me like we are desiring accolades instead of being more content with His pressence! If those that define themselves as Christians, who have been given a platform to reach the world through music, film or television my question is where is the standard? Or boldness? If you have enough faith to believe in GOD, why not have that same faith to question the director, producer or stylist that doesn't live up to the standards set by the savior you proclaim to serve?  Why fear man, when we are suppose to fear God?

He said Be Holy, For I am Holy. There is no compromise. The characters you play, the lyrics you sing, the clothes you wear, the people you spend your time with, are a reflection of you but most of all they should reflect Him. So why do I see celebrities who profess Christ confusing me? For God is not the author of confusion. I am not speaking to condemn but to expose and shine my light on the power of an industry that is trying to separate us from Him on a daily basis. Yet no one seems to be standing for truth. We can go to church, we can get involved, we can wear the clothing but until we truly have a boldness to seek Him and stand for righteousness then we are living the life that He died for us to have. Let's get it together people of God. We need to stop consuming the world and pursue His knowledge for our lives. We are peculiar and not of this world, so why are we trying to be accepted by the world.

May we be bold to question and set the standard of holiness in our popular culture. Its not being legalistic or too spiritual. Its about trusting that we acknowledge the fullness of his word and want to walk in his ways.
Romans 12-Let's stay transformed

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