
Give Ourselves Away!

Matthew 20:28 NIV
"Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

Mark 10:45 AMP
"For even the Son of Man came not to have service rendered to Him, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for ([a]instead of) many." 

If we are called followers of Christ we hope to live our lives in the way He did. I was lead to think upon the followings scriptures: Matthew 20:28 NIV and Mark 10:45 which both point out the heart of Christ. He came into this world to serve, to sacrifice and allow others to be transformed. Are we doing that in our daily lives? Do we start our days excited to serve?

Most of the time if we are honest with ourselves we value our lives more than those around us. We are so consumed with our problems then looking to help someone out. What would the world look like if we choose to live more like Christ than the world? If we applied the bible than just read it, wouldn't or Shouldn't are lives reflect it? So what's stopping us from not just being the "change we want to see in the world" but living changed lifestyles to effect change in society?

The answer is we are stopping ourselves. Our pride is stopping us from being humble. If humility was more popular than attempting "Star" status this world would be a much better place. It would look and maybe reflect the garden of Eden. We wouldn't be consumed about about how the world viewed us on a daily basis but how God sees us. Yet the "tempter" would eventually come and try to devour us. But if we used more self-control, where would Adam and Eve be if they use just a little more wisdom? If they just had stopped and questioned Satan, what would our world look like?

There is so much unnecessary sin going on in society today. We live for us, we live for pleasure in our lives. Never what we can add to others lives. Even if we claim we are being servants we eventually get caught up in the temptation to get the glory for ourselves. Yet He didn't come to have millions or even trillions of fans. He came to be used by God and return to his Father. So why can we at least attempt to live a lifestyle that will not only point others to Him, but point others to Serve one another as Jesus is our perfect example. We are made perfect by Him. No one can be perfect without his strength.

In Him I pray that we understand that we need to be selfless, humble and willingly to serve by His leading in our lives.

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