
Sin Is Sin.. Why are we hiding from the Truth?

Why do we go around pretending that Sin doesn't exist? Why do we act like Sin has levels? If we feel that other people's Sin is bigger than ours then we find ourselves living in False Humility which equals Pride because we find ourselves comparing Sin. When God knows  and we know that Sin is Sin. We are to Repent and turn away from theses Sin. Yes we are fleshly humans trying to live a holy lifestyle and imitate a perfect God yet we must be accountable to one another in the faith. If we are truly trying to live a life worthy of calling ourselves followers of Christ should we really act like we don't Sin.

 When we don't admit that we are struggling with our issues how do we expect to be free. I believe that's the problem with the world. Christians are too busy like "Martha" trying to do mighty works for God while missing the beauty of how Mary sat at the feet of Christ to wait and listen to what He was saying in her life. We are getting caught up in works instead of just doing the will of God that we are called to do. The Devil has got us wrapped up in so many frivolous details and tasks that we have missed the vision of salvation.

God wants us to come to Him so that we renew our minds, bodies and spirits to serve according to His plans for our lives. It's time for Christians to stop allowing the World to control our habits,dreams and values. It's time we stand up for truth even if its unpopular. It's not about condemning the World but saving it. For all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23) So we need to continue to Pray and Seek God's wisdom for how we shall live. We seek wisdom from CNN, ABC,CBS, MTV,BET, TvOne, Etc. But do we truly stop and turn the tv off and the music off to turn to the word of God to find a revelation for our lives. We need to return to the heart of Mary and serve our God by experiencing his free relationship with us. God doesn't manipulate his relationship with us, He waits for us to come to Him. We don't have to look a certain way or live up to a certain standard. He just expects us to walk in His principles to show that we love Him in return.May we live a Romans 12 lifestyle. By renewing our minds to live out what He died for us to do.

So lets stop acting like we don't have Sin in our lives and just deal with it the way Christ has shown us. He died for us so that we can live in freedom to deal with ourselves because when no one is with you, He will always be there.

If there is any Sin that you have not confessed to the Lord in your life right now, just pray with me as I pray for you:

Dear Lord,

Please forgive me. Please allow me to see you in all that I do, I admit that I am a sinner and I have put all my strength in figuring out my needs. Please help me to deal with the sins in my life that are not pleasing you. Help me to be free so that I can free others. I want to be an example of your love, grace and mercy. Thank you for our relationship and the things in me that you are showing me. I rejoice in knowing that I am free in Christ and that Sin does not control me but the Holy Spirit guides my every step. Lord thank you for loving me for where I am and where I am going. I repent now and turn away as I control my flesh with the Helper that you sent to support me. I call it done in Jesus's Name. The Devil has no control in my life.
Thank you Jesus, Amen

If you prayed this prayer, continue to seek God's wisdom daily in the word. He is ever presence and will guide you in your walk. Find a church where you can grow continual.

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